¬ Carrying out secretariat services of the Scientific Research Projects Commission
¬ Executing, monitoring, encouraging and coordinating the processes determined by the relevant legislation of projects supported by national and international organizations in which higher education institution researchers work.
¬ Carrying out activities related to measuring and evaluating the research performance of higher education institutions and determining research policies
¬ Carrying out other duties assigned by the senior manager regarding Scientific Research Projects in coordination with the relevant units.
BAP Project Types
¬ Interdisciplinary Research Projects
These are research projects prepared jointly by faculty members from at least two different disciplines (Faculty/Department) at universities or other institutions.
These are research projects proposed in priority areas determined by the BAP Commission, taking into account the priority sectors and critical technologies envisaged in the Development Plan.
These are research projects covering postgraduate theses carried out by the thesis advisor and, if any, co-advisors with their students.
Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee approval is required for the acceptance of BAP project applications, which include all kinds of research to be conducted with humans or whose subject is humans. If the approval document for project proposals requiring Ethics Committee approval is missing, the project applications are considered invalid.
For research project proposals that require Ethics Committee Approval, please use the relevant forms. here It is necessary to apply to the ethics committee by filling out the form.
BAP Applications
You can make your project applications by filling out the relevant forms in September and March every year. Please submit your applications to the rectorate through your deanships.
You can contact the Vice Rector's Office for Research Planning regarding your questions and opinions.