
Faculty of Medicine (Turkish/English)

Bologna Information Pack

The Bologna Process is a restructuring process that aims to create a European Higher Education Area. It is a process created and maintained by 48 member countries with the cooperation of many international organizations.

Some targets were set in the Bologna Process to increase the employment and mobility of students and faculty members.


¬ To create easily understandable and comparable higher education diplomas and/or degrees.

¬ To switch to a two-stage system in higher education: Undergraduate and Master's degree.

¬ Implementing the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

¬ To ensure and expand the mobility of students and faculty members.

¬ To implement and disseminate the network of quality assurance systems in higher education.

¬ To achieve European standards in higher education.

You can access the Bologna criteria from the link below.

Click for Bologna criteria.