
Associate Professor from University of Houston. Dr. Mehmet Orman was at Atlas Vadi Campus

August 12, 2024

Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston in Texas, USA. Dr. Mehmet Orman, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr., during his visit to our university. Yusuf Elgörmüş, our Rector Prof. Dr. Ersoy Kocabıçak, our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Engin Gülal and Prof. Dr. He held talks with Zafer Utlu about potential projects between the two universities.

Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston in Texas, USA. Dr. Mehmet Orman, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr., during his visit to our university. Yusuf Elgörmüş, our Rector Prof. Dr. Ersoy Kocabıçak, our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Engin Gülal and Prof. Dr. He held talks with Zafer Utlu about potential projects between the two universities. During the visit, important ideas were exchanged on the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and the development of educational resources.

Dr. from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Lecturer Member Tuğba Teker and Head of Biomedical Engineering Department Dr. Lecturer Accompanied by member Dilek Betül Sarıdede, our laboratory was visited and the academicians had productive discussions on common interests and potential collaborations in their fields.

Assoc. Dr. During the meetings with Mehmet Orman, the research design and application process were discussed within the scope of the collaborations to be made within the framework of 2501 – Bilateral Cooperation Program with the US National Science Foundation (NSF).

This visit, which lays the foundations for joint studies between the University of Houston and our university, will contribute to effective academic research.

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