
Faculty of Dentistry Hospital


The word "orthodontics"; It is formed by saying two Greek words together. The word "orthodontics" was derived from the combination of the words "orthos" meaning straight and "odontos" meaning tooth.

The word orthodontics; It refers to the proper alignment of abnormally aligned teeth. Although the word means straight teeth, orthodontics aims to correct developmental disorders of the face and jaws. For this reason, it is also called dentofacial orthopedics, that is, maxillofacial orthopedics. In the light of this information, orthodontics; the relationships between teeth, dental arches, jaws and facial bones; examines the individual by taking into account his/her age, growth and development status; It is one of the 8 specialties of Dentistry that determines normal values ​​for these relationships, detects cases where there are deviations from normal, and tries to correct these relationships or prevent the occurrence of anomalies.

The aim of orthodontics is to treat the anomaly and achieve the following goals at the end of the treatment;

  • To ensure good chewing, speech and respiratory function.
  • To ensure good dental, jaw and facial aesthetics and thus to prevent demoralization and negative psychological effects that may occur in patients.
  • To ensure that the situation achieved as a result of orthodontic treatment is permanent.

Orthodontic treatment methods include removable and fixed treatment applications.

Removable Orthodontic Treatment; In children with mixed dentition, in order to prevent or correct closing disorders that may develop due to bad habits (factors such as thumb sucking, abnormal swallowing, nail biting, mouth breathing); Functional appliances applied during the growth and development period to correct skeletal closure disorders caused by the lower jaw being backward or forward are included in this treatment method.

Fixed Orthodontic Treatment; It is performed with brackets and attachments that are glued to the teeth and cannot be removed during the treatment. Fixed orthodontic treatment can be applied to individuals of all ages with healthy teeth and gums. Fixed orthodontic treatment applications include traditional orthodontic treatments with metal and aesthetic brackets, lingual orthodontic treatment by gluing brackets to the inner surface of the teeth, and treatment methods with removable transparent plaques by sticking attachments on the teeth. At the same time, orthognathic surgery treatments are performed together with Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery specialists in cases with cleft lip and palate or severe skeletal jaw disorders.


Assoc. Dr.


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Dr. Lecturer


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Dr. Lecturer


1401 (Ext.)
Dr. Lecturer


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